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Saturday 13 February 2016

Hey everyone!
I'm Pratishtha Verhwani from St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public school, New Delhi, India. I study in 9th grade. I am a big foodie and an avid reader. I love listening to music and dance, whenever I'm free.

I am eager to learn about the position and status of women from around the world. I'm looking forward to knowing you all and working together. 

Thursday 11 February 2016

Hello everyone !
My name is  Ritunjay. I am 15 years old  and I study in 9th grade in St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School , Meera Bagh, New Delhi , India. I love cycling and listening to music  I'm excited to work on this project with all of you and I'm sure it will  enhance my knowledge about the role of women in different fields worldwide.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Hello everyone ......!!!
My name Tushar . I am 14 yrs old and I study in 9th grade in St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School , Meera Bagh, New Delhi , India. I love to play keyboard and guitar . I favourite time pass is sketching . I'm passionate about football. I am really excited to know you all and work with you all on such an amazing topic . 

Monday 8 February 2016

Hey All!!
I am Mehak Bansak from St. Marks Sr. Sec. Public School, India. I love dance and music as part of my hobbies. I am very excited for this project as I would get to know about the women from different parts of the world. It would also help me to help the women in need which would improve their status and bring them on a platform equal to that of men. I am looking forward and am very excited to work for this project with all of you...


Hello Everyone..
This is Abhinav from St Mark's Sr.Sec. Public School. I study in 8th standard and have a whole lot of hobbies and friends. I had goosebumps when I heard about this project and am looking forward to work with it. I think it is great platform for me to learn something new.
Hello everyone Nischay Vij this side. I'm in 8th standard and study in St Marks Sr Sec Public School. When I was told about this project I was really excited about it. The topic is Just Amazing. My hobbies include playing and reading books. My favourite pass time is to watch TV. I'm really excited about this project and I hope to learn a lot through this platform. 

Friday 5 February 2016

We asked different boys and girls from the school, from the same age groups ( 15,16,17 ) and some adults to give us their point of view on sexism. And here are the results :

4 women and 4 men think that whistling at a person is sexist, and 9 women and 2 men think it is not.

12 women do chores in their house and 1 does not, and all the boys do chores.

9 women and all the boys think a girl in a short shirt is not provocative, 4 women think it is.

13 women and 4 men think that men and women are equal, 2 men think they’re not equal.

All the boys and 13 women have seen a sexist ad .

10 women and all the boys think men and women are not equal regarding sports, only 3 women think women and men are equal in sports.

And, all the women and men said women don’t have as high salaries as men.

We can see here that boys are aware there is a lot of machismo in the world but they don’t think it is normal, they would like to see changes.

Anaïs, Rémi, Océane, Guilhem

Girl's quizz

For our English class, student girls did a quizz about differences between men and women. We asked people in our school,pupils and teachers. We noted several differences,and some answers are surprising. Women do more cooking,dishes,hoovering and cleaning than men. The majority think that women are more sensitive than men...We think it's just because they are more expressive! After,women are more interested in literature. To finish, men give less importance to their appearance. But, there are some similarities too like: Men and women are both equal about driving and intelligence,nobody's better! Fathers take care of children as much as mothers. Moreover at home,both pay the bills. To finish,there is something quite funny: women are happy to propose to their husband even if it's stereotypically a man's job. Camille, Florian, Thibaut, Sarah